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Stay alert with sound notifications

Customize notification sounds for new orders, updates, and curbside arrivals—keeping staff informed without disrupting workflow.

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Interactive demo

In a fast-paced kitchen, staying on top of orders is crucial. Sound Alerts in Fresh KDS ensure your team hears important updates, so no order goes unnoticed.

With customizable audio notifications, you can set different sounds for:

  • New orders arriving on the KDS
  • Order updates that require attention
  • Curbside pickup arrivals, so staff knows when a customer is waiting
Customizable sound notification settings

These audible cues help staff focus on food prep without constantly checking the screen, reducing missed orders and improving service efficiency.

Whether you’re managing a high-volume kitchen, drive-thru, or takeout station, Fresh KDS’s Sound Alerts keep your team informed and ready to move.

To learn how to enable sound notifications check out our help center article.

Launched on

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Discover all the ways you can streamline your kitchen operations with Fresh KDS.

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