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Performance Analytics

Performance Analytics

Monitor kitchen performance

Get detailed reports on kitchen metrics, enabling data-driven decisions to enhance efficiency and service quality.

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KDS Performance Analytics is a feature in Fresh KDS that provides detailed insights into your kitchen's efficiency by tracking key metrics such as bump times, order completion rates, and speed of service.

Key Benefits:

  • Monitor Bump Times: Analyze the time taken to clear orders from the KDS, helping identify areas for improvement.
  • Evaluate Speed of Service: Assess how quickly orders are prepared and delivered, ensuring consistent service quality.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Utilize comprehensive analytics to make informed decisions that enhance kitchen performance.
KDS Metrics Dashboard on Fresh Web Browser

How It Works:

Access the Analytics feature through the Fresh KDS dashboard to view detailed reports on bump times and other performance metrics. These insights enable you to identify trends, recognize bottlenecks, and implement strategies to improve efficiency.

By leveraging KDS Performance Analytics, you can optimize your kitchen operations, leading to faster service and increased customer satisfaction.

Try Performance Analytics with In-App Metrics

Performance Analytics helps you track trends, analyze speed of service, and optimize workflows over time. But when you need real-time visibility into your kitchen’s performance, In-App Metrics keeps you informed right on your KDS screen.

Use them together for big-picture reporting + in-the-moment adjustments.

Learn more about In-App Metrics →

In-App Metrics

To learn more about accessing bump time reporting, check out this help article.

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