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Modifier Styles

Modifier Styles

Make Important Modifiers Stand Out

Style modifiers by keyword with color and text formatting so critical order details—like allergens or special requests—stand out on screen and reduce costly prep mistakes.

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Custom orders are part of everyday service—but they also increase the chances of kitchen errors. Modifier Styles help you reduce that risk by making important modifiers easier to spot on the KDS screen.

Instead of scanning through long tickets, your team can instantly recognize critical details like allergies, substitutions, and dietary preferences. It’s a simple way to boost accuracy, speed, and peace of mind.

Key Benefits

  • Highlight what matters most
    Use color and text styling to make key modifiers like allergens, dietary notes, or special prep instructions more visible.
  • Prevent costly prep mistakes
    Ensure staff sees and responds to critical order details before the food is made—not after.
  • Support customer safety
    Make allergy-related modifiers stand out to reduce the risk of unsafe orders reaching guests.
  • Customize without changing your POS
    Tailor how modifiers appear visually without altering your menu or POS setup.

How It Works

  1. Open Modifier Styles
    In the Fresh KDS app, go to Settings > Appearance > Modifier Styles.
  2. Create a New Style
    Choose a name, select a color, and pick a text style (bold, italic, or both).
  3. Add Keywords
    Link each style to one or more keywords (e.g., “gluten-free,” “on side,” “no dairy”). You can set each keyword to either match exactly or contain part of a phrase.
  4. Styles Apply Automatically
    Once configured, any incoming orders that include matching modifiers will show your selected styles on screen—no extra work needed.
Applying styles to modifiers

Modifier Styles are available on Premium and Unlimited plans.
To explore plan options, click here.
To learn how to set up Modifier Styles, view our Help Center article.

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