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Ingredient All Day Counts

Ingredient All Day Counts

Know exactly how much of each ingredient to prep

Get real-time ingredient totals across all open orders—no manual counting needed.

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Keeping up with ingredient prep in a fast-paced kitchen can be a challenge. Ingredient All Day Counts helps you track exactly how much of each ingredient you need across all open orders, so you can work smarter, reduce waste, and keep service running smoothly.

How It Works

  1. Enable the Feature – Go to Settings > All Day Counts in your Fresh KDS app.
  2. Assign Ingredients to Menu Items – Link specific ingredients to menu items (e.g., a chicken salad uses three tenders).
  3. Get Real-Time Counts – Fresh KDS automatically totals the number of each ingredient needed across all active orders.
  4. Counts Adjust Instantly – When an order is completed, the ingredient count updates in real time.
Assigning ingredient quantity to menu item

Why It’s Useful

  • Eliminate manual calculations – Instantly see how much of each ingredient is needed.
  • Reduce food waste – Prep only what’s required, minimizing excess.
  • Improve kitchen efficiency – Stay ahead of demand with accurate, real-time data.
  • Seamless integration – Works directly within Fresh KDS without additional setup.
Highlighted ingredient count across open ticket

This feature is available exclusively on Premium and Unlimited plans. To learn more about editing your Fresh KDS subscription click here.

To learn more about how to use Ingredient All Day Counts, check out this help article, or learn more about this feature here.

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